I went to talk to my old muckers at the Female Pilot Club about my sitcom Big Of Me. I MAY have mentioned my new book, Mother's Day, as well, but it really was mostly about the sitcom. The episode also features clips of the show at the FPC. I was insanely lucky with the cast which included Isy Suttie, Sindhu Vee, Amer Chadha Patel, Finlay Robertson, Alex Kirk, Matt Lacey, Amanda Wilkin and the Club's own Emily Chase. They were VERY funny.
It was lovely to be back with my two favourite redheads (after Prince Harry obvs) talking comedy. I had to stop working with Kay Stonham and Emily Chase after our show in March 2022, due to other work commitments, but they've since gone on to amazing things without me - with a partnership with UKTV and FOUR - count them - new pilots at a VERY glamorous do at the lovely JW3! I couldn't be prouder of the pair of them.
